8 ways to improve your sleep

Do you find yourself lying in bed scrolling until well after you planned to be asleep? Do you lie in bed with racing thoughts, anxious that you won’t get enough sleep but unable to get a wink? How many times have you watched ‘just one more episode’ instead of getting some shut eye? If you […]

Why we want to fix our loved ones’ problems

There are many occasions when either ourselves, a friend, a sister or brother, a parent or our partner have needed someone to talk to about certain problems or issues in their life. But how many times has it felt like solutions are being thrown at your or that you need to give a solution to […]

3 ways to manage stress

Stress – we all feel it right? If we asked you how you’ve felt over the past couple of years, you might very well describe your mental state as stressed. That’s because stress is our natural reaction to new, demanding or challenging situations – and boy have we had some of those recently!  When we […]

Are you getting enough Zzz’s?

Maybe the idea of getting enough sleep is somewhat of a dream to you – rather your experience is more like a nightmare – constant thinking, tossing and turning, too hot, no, too cold .. Sleep is a basic human need. Just like most things, sleep is unique so everyone needs a different amount of […]

Why do I doubt myself and how can I stop?

Have you ever doubted your abilities, knowledge or skills? Actually, don’t answer that – we think we can take a pretty good guess. Nearly everybody has (at some point in their lives) been unsure of themselves and doubted whether they were any good at some particular job/sport/talent or other ‘thing’. We live in a competitive […]

The perpetuating cycle of avoidance

So you’ve got an important speech for work or school coming up in a couple of weeks – and you’re feeling really stressed. You don’t like public speaking (what if I can’t do it?), you don’t feel confident (what if I mess up?) and you don’t know what to say (what if I’m boring and […]

Why does diet affect mental health?

I wonder if you’ve noticed how you feel after you’ve eaten a big meal, been drinking alcohol, or have eaten a lot of “unhealthy” foods? Maybe you felt flat, lethargic or unmotivated? Instead, have you noticed how you feel when you’ve drank lots of water, eaten a wide variety of healthy foods, or paid attention […]