Debunking the myths about Bipolar Disorder

If we asked you what comes to mind when you think of mental illnesses such as Bipolar Disorder, what would you say? Be honest with yourself – we guess that some of the words or phrases that popped up weren’t all that kind or considerate. We don’t ask to make you feel bad about yourself, […]

Why chocolate doesn’t have to be an enemy

Easter can be a time of joy, relaxation and indulgence for some, but for others it is a time of anticipation and fear of losing control over their eating. So many of us silently battle with the temptations of food everyday, so when a holiday centres around a particularly sweet treat (ie chocolate) it can […]

10 must reads for befriending your body

We know that learning to love your body and accepting it as it changes throughout your life can be a difficult task. Especially with everything we are constantly seeing in the media – there are (often unrealistic) expectations that our bodies should look certain ways at certain times of our lives. Whether it’s through changes […]

Transitioning to a growth mindset – a personal anecdote

The mindset we use to approach things can determine how we grow and learn. For some individuals it can be difficult to open up to new experiences and they struggle to persist when faced with challenges. This may be due to a concept known as “the fixed mindset” in which a person may be restricted […]