Altruism – does it really exist?

If you saw someone struggling with their bags at the shopping centre, dropping things, trying to manage young children – would you stop to help them? If you answered yes, what would be the reason or reasons for you to stop? Maybe it’s because you felt bad for them, or because you wanted to prevent […]

Let’s talk about motivation

Finding the motivation to do the things we need to do can seem like a never ending task. And what about all those people you see or hear about who seem to have endless stores of motivation? Not surprisingly, motivation levels in all of society appear to have decreased in the past couple of years […]

How to: create a good routine

You may roll your eyes at the idea of routines, or perhaps you consider them only necessary for young people who need discipline. Routines can often feel like you’re living your life according to some predetermined rules or expectations. We know that sticking to a routine can be difficult and feel like some sort of […]

Transitioning to a growth mindset – a personal anecdote

The mindset we use to approach things can determine how we grow and learn. For some individuals it can be difficult to open up to new experiences and they struggle to persist when faced with challenges. This may be due to a concept known as “the fixed mindset” in which a person may be restricted […]