How to: create a good habit

Creating a new habit or changing a current habit can be an overwhelming concept to consider. Often when we think of habits, we look at drastic changes and big end goals, and this can lead to discouragement at how steep the hill to climb is to implement these changes or reach that goal. However, researchers […]

Self-care – what’s with all the hype?

Oh no .. you’re probably thinking. “Not another post about self-care”. We get it – it’s important. But what’s really the big deal about self-care? Self-care seems to be ‘the next big thing’ and it’s even got a trending hashtag (#selfcare), so surely it must be important – right? Well yes, it certainly has some […]

Why does diet affect mental health?

I wonder if you’ve noticed how you feel after you’ve eaten a big meal, been drinking alcohol, or have eaten a lot of “unhealthy” foods? Maybe you felt flat, lethargic or unmotivated? Instead, have you noticed how you feel when you’ve drank lots of water, eaten a wide variety of healthy foods, or paid attention […]

Finding the secret to true happiness

For some people, finding true happiness is one of their main goals in life – and really, who would blame them? Being happy is an elusive feeling that so many of us struggle with, especially over the past few years. But actually being happy is very different from putting on a happy face or being […]

Sick days – physical vs mental health

I wonder if you’ve ever felt that you had to prove that you need to take a day off to look after your mental health, manage stress or just take some time to yourself? Or maybe you’ve been questioned by family, friends or colleagues as to why you needed time off the other day? It […]